Case Study: Hermanos

Hermanos Coffee Roasters, known for its exquisite coffee blends, sought to revamp its online presence to match its newly refined brand identity.
Their existing digital marketplace lacked the sophistication and ease of use that their artisanal coffee deserved. The goal was clear: transform the Hermanos digital platform into a seamless, engaging shopping experience that resonated with coffee aficionados worldwide.
The live site can be viewed at

Challenges Uncovered

Fragmented Brand Experience

As we delved into the Hermanos universe, it became evident that their online marketplace was a patchwork of ideas. The brand’s rich heritage and commitment to quality were lost in a cluttered, inconsistent user interface that did little to tell the Hermanos story.

Navigational Nightmares

Customers were getting lost in a maze. The website’s complex navigation made the simple act of purchasing coffee a daunting task, leading to cart abandonments and frustrated customers.

The Competitive Heat

The coffee market is a crowded arena, with competitors offering sleek, user-friendly platforms. Hermanos needed to stand out, not just for their coffee but for an unmatched online experience.

Crafting Solution

Mapping the Journey

The first sip of our strategy was to map out the customer journey. We plotted each step a customer would take, from the first click to the final checkout, identifying pain points and moments of delight. This map became our blueprint for change.

Auditing the Competition

We then embarked on a competitive audit, sifting through the digital strategies of leading and niche players in the coffee marketplace. This exercise revealed gaps in the Hermanos experience and highlighted opportunities to brew something unique.


With insights in hand, we sketched the future. Wireframes for each key page laid the foundation for a simplified, intuitive user journey. These blueprints were not just about aesthetics; they were about creating a logical flow that would guide the user effortlessly from discovery to purchase.

Visual Design: The Final Roast

The wireframes then transformed into a visual feast, embodying the Hermanos ethos. We infused the design with warm, inviting colors and textures that echoed the sensory experience of coffee. Every element, from product images to typography, was chosen to reflect the Hermanos craft and quality.